Tsinghua University CSC Scholarship 2023 in China - Fully Funded

The Chinese Government Scholarships 2023 applications at World Top Tsinghua University are open now, for International Students. Tsinghua University CSC Scholarships 2023 is one of the Chinese Government Fully Funded Scholarship programs in China. Students from all over the world are eligible to apply for Masters and Ph.D.  Scholarship programs. Students can apply without IELTS / TOEFL for Tsinghua University Scholarship.

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Tsinghua University CSC Scholarship 2023 in China - Fully Funded Scholarship

About Tsinghua University

If you are looking for a world top-class university, Tsinghua University is one of them. According to international ranking, Tsinghua University is No.1 in Asia, No1. In China as well is No.1 in multiple academic fields and majors.

Thousands of international students from all over the world are studying at Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University offers all academic fields and majors for Short Courses, Undergraduate, Masters, Ph.D. as well as Post Docs. Tsinghua University is one of the top leading universities which is responsible for educating A large no of International Students Under CSC Scholarships in China Each Year.

About Tsinghua University CSC Scholarship

Tsinghua University, there are hundreds of International Students who study for their Masters, and Ph.D. Degrees Under different Chinese Government Scholarships programs. Tsinghua University offers More than 100 Master's programs & Over 80 Ph.D. Programs under China Scholarships Council (CSC) 2023. The Chinese Government Scholarships program is a Fully Funded Scholarship program that will cover everything during study in China. Furthermore, students don't need IELTS / TOEFL to apply for this International Scholarship in China.

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Host Country: Study in China

Host University: Tsinghua University

Scholarships Offered By: Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) Under the Chinese Government

Scholarships Coverage: Fully Funded

No of Scholarships:  Every Year There are 25000+ Scholarships in 273+ Chinese Universities. According to authentic information, there is a large no of scholarships in Top Chinese Universities, so don't waste your, apply as soon as possible.

Degree Level: Masters and Ph.D. Degree Programs in all Fields.

What are the benefits of Tsinghua University CSC Scholarship?

Who wants to Free Study in China? Chinese Government Scholarships 2023 is Open Now and It is an excellent opportunity for those students who have a dream to study and explore Chinese Culture and Environment on a Fully Funded Chinese Scholarship for Masters (MS/ M.Phil) and Ph.D. Studies. Fully Funded Chinese Government Scholarships in 2023 will cover all expenses during the study in China. 

Expenses that will cover by CSC Scholarship

  1.     Exempt from Registration Fee.
  2.     Full Tuition Fee Covered.
  3.     Free Accommodation on Campus.
  4.     Fee for Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China.
  5.     Tsinghua provides free accommodation for Chinese Government Scholarship students. 1 Doctoral Student or Master student shall live in One Room.

A monthly living Allowance will be Given:

  1.     Master Degree Students: CNY 3,000 Yuan
  2.     Doctoral Degree Students: CNY 3,500 Yuan

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Degree Programs Offered By Tsinghua University

Scholarships are available to pursue  Masters (MS/ M.Phil) and Ph.D. in all multiple fields. Tsinghua University CSC Scholarship 2023 Offers More than 100 Masters Degree Programs & Over 80 Ph.D. Degree Programs. The list of Degree Programs is given below. (M) Represents Master Degree & (D) Represents Doctoral Degree Programs (The Courses are taught in Chinese & in English Languages)

A list of the Programs Details is given below.

  • List of Masters Degree Programs English / Chinese:  HERE
  • List of Ph.D. Degree Programs English / Chinese:  HERE
  • List of Graduate Programs in English:  HERE

Eligibility Criteria for Tsinghua University CSC Scholarship

Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail of this Scholarship for their study at Tsinghua University Under CSC Scholarships.

  1. Applicants Must be Non-Chinese Citizens.
  2. Applicants should be in healthy physical condition.
  3. Applicants for Master’s degree studies must have a Bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
  4. Applicants for Doctoral degree studies must have a Master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
  5. Excellent achievement in your study.
  6. Comparative good ability in research.
  7. Applicants do not gain any other scholarships.

Academic Requirements

  1. Masters Students:
    1. Applicants with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for Master’s Degree programs.
  2. Ph.D. Students:
    1. Applicants with a master’s degree are eligible to apply for Doctoral Degree programs    

Documents Required to Apply for Tsinghua University CSC Scholarship

The list of documents is given below:

  1.  Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (printed by CSC), the original document, and a copy, filled in Chinese or in English.
  2. The highest degree diploma verified with official stamps should be uploaded. (Notarized photocopy)
    1. Master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree diploma (or above)
    2. Ph.D. program applicants: Master’s degree diploma (or above)
    3. Note:  If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English is required.
  3. The highest degree Transcript verified with official stamps should be uploaded. (notarized photocopy)
    1. Master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree Transcripts (or above)
    2. Ph.D. program applicants: Master’s degree Transcripts (or above)
    3. Note:  If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English or is required.
  4. Two recommendation letters
  5. A study or research plan in Chinese or in English (no less than 800 words).
  6. Published academic papers and academic achievements (not compulsory).
  7. A copy of the HSK certificate (not compulsory).
  8. Passport Scan (if available at the time of application)
  9. Digital ID photo with white background
  10. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form filled in English.
  11. Acceptance letter from a supervisor (not compulsory)
  12. Curriculum Vitae (CV) - How to write a Professional CV - HERE?
  13. Photographs
  14. English Language Proficiency Certificate:
    1. Those students whose language institute was in English can Submit English Proficiency Certificate from their Home University & they are exempted from Language Test.
  15. Other reference documents (if applicable)
  16. Students have to Pay an Application Fee: of RMB 800 (Online After Submission of Application)

Special Guidelines to Apply for Opportunities

  1. Why Scholarships are essential for Study Abroad for International Students
  2. Professional CV Writing | Tips for Professional CV Writing
  3. Letter of Intent for Scholarships | Sample , Example, Format
  4. Motivational Letter | How to write, Sample, Example
  5. Recommendation Letter for Scholarships | Sample, Example, Templates
  6. English Proficiency Certificate | Sample | Certificate of English Proficiency

Application Deadline for Tsinghua University CSC Scholarship 2023

The application period is open from 15 October 2022 to 15 December 2022.

How to Apply for CSC Scholarships Tsinghua University?

The student has to Apply Online first on CSC Portal. Then Apply to the official admission portal. Before moving further please check the complete procedure for application.

Chinese Government Scholarship - CSC Scholarship 2023 Process - Step by Step

Process Steps:

  1. Students have to click Here to Register First on CSC Portal: Register - HERE
  2. After Login, Select Program Category is B and the Agencies Code of Tsinghua is 10003.
  3. Fill the CSC Form with the above-required Documents.
  4. After Completion of the CSC form next, Apply online on the Admission Portal.
  5. Click Here to Apply: Admission Portal

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