Guangxi Normal University CSC Scholarship 2020 - Fully Funded

Guangxi Normal University CSC Scholarship 2020-2021 is open for International Students in Guilin, Guangxi, China.  Guangxi Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship 2020-2021 is a Fully Funded International Scholarship offered by the Chinese Government for International Students from all over the world for Master and Ph.D. Degree Programs. Students can apply without IELTS/TOFEL. There are No Application Fees, no need to send documents in hard form to university.wink Have you apply for Turkish Scholarships 2020 - Fully Funded - MS - Ph.D Studies.

Guangxi Normal University CSC Scholarship 2020 - Fully Funded:

Guangxi Normal University: Guangxi Normal University, colloquially Guangxi Normal University is one of the national key universities under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China. It is a science-oriented university located in Guilin, Guangxi, China. Guangxi Normal University is famous for arts and sciences, and international student exchange programs.

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Guangxi Normal University CGS Scholarship 2020:
Guangxi Normal University is the host institution for different Chinese Government Scholarship international students, also one of the first cohort of demonstration universities for quality education of international students in China. Chinese Government Scholarship 2020-2021 is aimed to support outstanding international students for a dream of higher studies in China. 

Guangxi Normal University offers a fully-funded CSC International scholarship to support your MS and Ph.D. under the Chinese Scholarship Council 2020-2021.

For international students wishing to study a master degree or doctoral degree at Guangxi Normal University, they are welcome to apply for the Postgraduates Program of Chinese Government Scholarship at Guangxi Normal University The Postgraduates Program of Chinese Government Scholarship is a full-time program with a full scholarship covering tuition fees, accommodation, living allowance, comprehensive medical insurance, etc., except the international travel expenses.

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Host Country: Study in China

Host University: Guangxi Normal University

Scholarships Offered: CSC Scholarships 2020-2021 Program Under Chinese Government

Scholarships Coverage: Fully Funded

No of Scholarships: Each Year There are 25000+ Scholarships in 270+ Chinese Universities.

Degree Level: Master and Ph.D. Degree Programs in multiple Fields.

yesYou can also apply for the following opportunities:

  1. Chongqing University CSC Scholarship 2020 - Fully Funded
  2. China Three Gorges Scholarship 2020 for BS - MS - Ph.D. Studies
  3. KAUST Scholarships 2020 in Saudi Arabia Fully Funded

Guangxi Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship 2020 Offers:

CSC is still open for worldwide students, Time to apply. Who wants to Free Study in China? It is an excellent opportunity for those students who have a dream to study in China on Fully Funded Scholarships for Masters and Ph.D. Studies.  The Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program is a full scholarship established by the Ministry of Education to support Chinese universities to attract outstanding international students for graduate studies in China. Are you ready to apply to one of the top leading universities in China?

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Chinese Government Scholarships 2020 AT Guangxi Normal University is Open Now and It is an excellent opportunity for those students who have a dream to study and explore Chinese Culture and Environment on Fully Funded Chinese Scholarship for Master (MS/ M.Phil) and Ph.D. Studies.  Fully Funded NJUST Chinese Government Scholarships 2020 will cover all expenses during a study in China. 

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Expenses which will cover by CSC Scholarship 2020:

  1.     Exempt from Registration Fee.
  2.     Full Tuition Fee Covered.
  3.     Free Accommodation on Campus.
  4.     Fee for Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China.
  5.     Laboratory experiments, internships, and basic textbooks funds.

Monthly living Allowance will be Given:

  1.     Master Degree Students: CNY 3,000 Yuan per month
  2.     Doctoral Degree Students: CNY 3,500 Yuan per month

Duration of CSC Scholarship:

  1.     Master Degree Students: 2-3 Years
  2.     Doctoral Degree Students: 4-5 Years

Programs Offered By Guangxi Normal University:

Scholarships are available to pursue Masters (MS/ M.Phil) and Ph.D. in multiple fields. The duration of the Master’s Degree is 2-3 academic years, Doctoral Degree 4-5 academic years. Please check the following list of the programs in the given list below.

Masters Degree Programs:

  1.     Chinese Language and Literature
  2.     Economy and Management
  3.     History, Tourism and Culture
  4.     Educational science
  5.     Physical Education
  6.     Computer science and Information Engineering
  7.     Fine Arts
  8.     Law
  9.     Environmental and Resource Science
  10.     Music
  11.     Politics and Administration
  12.     Life Sciences
  13.     Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  14.     Mathematical Sciences
  15.     Physical Science and technology
  16.     The research center of the curriculum of Basic Education
  17.     Foreign Studies

Ph.D. Degree Programs:

  1.     Chinese Language and Literature
  2.     Politics and Administration

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Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail of this Scholarship for their study at Guangxi Normal University Under CSC.

  1. Applicants Must be Non-Chinese Citizens.
  2. Applicants should be in healthy physical condition.
  3. Applicants for Master’s degree studies must have a Bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
  4. Applicants for Doctoral degree studies must have a Master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
  5. Excellent achievement in your study.
  6. Comparative good ability in research. Plymouth Urgent Care
  7. Applicants do not gain any other scholarships.

Academic Requirements:

  1. Masters Students:
    1. Applicants with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for Master’s Degree programs.
  2. Ph.D. Students:
    1. Applicants with a master’s degree are eligible to apply for Doctoral Degree programs

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Documents Required for Apply: List of Documents is given below:

  1.  CSC Application Form.
  2. The highest degree diploma verified with official stamps should be uploaded. (Notarized photocopy)
    1. Master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree diploma (or above)
    2. Ph.D. program applicants: Master’s degree diploma (or above)
    3. Note:  If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English is required.
    4. Check Here How to Notarized Documents: Click Here
  3. The highest degree Transcript verified with official stamps should be uploaded.(notarized photocopy)
    1. Master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree Transcripts (or above)
    2. Ph.D. program applicants: Master’s degree Transcripts (or above)
    3. Note:  If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English or is required.
    4. Check Here How to Notarized Documents: Click Here
  4. Two recommendation letters (Sample for Recommendation Letters)
    • The letters of recommendation must be written by the applicant’s teachers/advisors/employers (who are able to evaluate your academic performance and research potential) in either English.
  5. A study or research plan in Chinese or in English (no less than 800 words).
  6. Published academic papers and academic achievements (not compulsory).
  7. Passport Scan (if available at the time of application)
  8. Digital ID photo with white background
  9. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form filled in English.
  10. Acceptance letter from a supervisor (not compulsory)
  11. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  12. Photographs
  13. Language Proficiency Certificate:
    • There are both language programs English and Chinese. But no specific requirement if you will choose Chinese taught, then you must take a one-year Chinese language course. For English Taught you must submit an English Proficiency Letter or IELTS, TOFEL…etc
    • Applicants who apply for a Chinese-taught program without any Chinese skills may apply for an additional 1-year comprehensive Chinese language course (scholarship covered), and must pass HSK 5 for entering major in the next academic year.
  14. Other reference documents (if applicable)
  15. There are no Application Fees.

Deadline for Guangxi Normal University CSC Scholarship 2020: The last date to apply for Guangxi Normal University CSC Scholarship is 10 May 2020

How to Apply for Guangxi Normal University CSC Scholarship 2020: Students just have to Apply Online ON CSC Portal, There is no need to send documents in hard form, or apply on any other admission portal.

  1. Complete Application Process - WATCH VIDEO

Process Steps:

  1. Student have to click Here to Register First on CSC Portal: Register Here
  2. After Login, Select Program Category is B and The code of Guangxi Normal University is 10602
  3. Fill the CSC Form with above-required Documents.
  4. After Completion of form, Submit the form, and Wait for the result. Good Luck.

How to Apply in China for CSC Scholarship 2020 - Check yes

  1. Students can Apply by Online Button Below in Green Color.
  2. You can also visit the Official Advertisement from Official Source Button.

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