King Fahd University Scholarship in Saudi Arabia 2024 | Fully Funded

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals is offering prestigious scholarships to international students who wish to pursue their academic dreams in Saudi Arabia. These international scholarships are designed to help out aspiring scholars from around the world. These King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Scholarships offered multiple degree programs for Study in Saudi Arabia. KFUPM scholarship offers a full tuition fee, accommodation, living allowance, and airfare. In this article, we will look into what are the benefits, eligibility criteria, how to apply and the deadline.

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King Fahd University Scholarship in Saudi Arabia 2024 | Fully Funded

About King Fahad University

Located in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals is known for its top-notch education, innovative research, and global impact. Since starting in 1963, KFUPM has grown to meet modern needs, producing graduates who become leaders in many fields. This blog explores the rich history, academic strength, research breakthroughs, and vibrant campus life that make KFUPM a respected institution. KFUPM was founded with a clear goal: to provide an excellent education in petroleum and minerals, vital to Saudi Arabia’s economy. Originally called the College of Petroleum and Minerals, it was renamed in honour of King Fahd in 1986. Since then, the university has expanded its programs to include engineering, science, business, and more. KFUPM’s commitment to academic excellence shows in its challenging courses, outstanding faculty, and modern facilities.

The university offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed. Programs in petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, and computer science are particularly well-known. The faculty at KFUPM includes world-class teachers and researchers who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their classrooms. Their dedication ensures that students get a complete education that combines theory with practical experience. Research is a key part of KFUPM’s mission. The university has several research centres and institutes driving innovation in various fields. The Center for Petroleum and Minerals, for example, conducts advanced research in energy and natural resources. The Research Institute works with industry and government to solve real-world problems and develop sustainable solutions. KFUPM’s research efforts extend beyond energy and resources. The university is also making progress in nanotechnology, environmental science, and cybersecurity, placing it at the cutting edge of scientific and technological advancements.

Life at KFUPM is more than just studying. The university offers a lively campus life that promotes personal growth, cultural enrichment, and community involvement. Students can participate in sports, cultural events, and various student organizations, helping them develop leadership skills and form lasting friendships. The campus features modern buildings and green spaces, creating a pleasant environment for learning and relaxation. Facilities like the library, student centre, and recreational areas support both academic and personal development. The university has partnerships with leading institutions worldwide, enabling academic exchanges, joint research projects, and collaborative initiatives. These global connections enrich the university’s educational offerings and give students a broader view of global issues. KFUPM alumni are making significant contributions around the world. Graduates hold important positions in industry, academia, and government, advancing technology, business, and society. The university’s strong alumni network highlights its impact and legacy.

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About King Fahd University Scholarship

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals KFUPM is a top-notch university that focuses on engineering, science, and technology. It offers modern facilities, expert faculty, and an active campus life, creating an excellent environment for both academic and personal growth. The university is dedicated to research and innovation, making it an ideal place for students who want to make important contributions in their fields.

The King Fahd University Saudi Arabia Scholarship 2024-2025 provides a complete support package for students. It covers all tuition fees, allowing students to concentrate fully on their studies without financial worries. Recipients also receive a generous monthly stipend for living expenses. On-campus housing is provided, giving students a comfortable place to live and study. Comprehensive medical coverage is included to ensure students' health and well-being. Additionally, an annual ticket for travel to and from the student's home country is provided.

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Host Country: Study in Saudi Arabia

Host University: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Scholarships Offered By: University Funded

Scholarships Coverage: Fully Funded

Degree Level: Masters, and PhD. Degree Programs in multiple fields.

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What are the benefits of the King Fahd University Scholarship?

The King Fahd University Study Abroad Scholarship 2024-2025 offers a comprehensive range of benefits designed to support students throughout their academic journey. Here are some of them.

  1. Scholars will get a generous amount of money each month to cover their living costs.
  2. Scholars will receive free healthcare services to stay healthy during their studies.
  3. Scholars will live in student housing on campus at no cost.
  4. Scholars will receive a free round-trip air ticket every year from their home country to Saudi Arabia and back.
  5. Scholars will get all the textbooks they need for free.
  6. Scholars will enjoy low-cost meals at the university cafeteria.

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What Degree programs are available for Study?

  1.     Accountancy
  2.     Aerospace Engineering
  3.     Applied Statistics
  4.     Architectural Engineering
  5.     Business Administration
  6.     Chemical Engineering
  7.     Chemistry
  8.     City & Regional Planning
  9.     Civil & Environmental Engineering
  10.     Computer Engineering
  11.     Computer Networks
  12.     Computer Science
  13.     Construction Engineering & Management
  14.     Electrical Engineering
  15.     Environmental Sciences
  16.     Geology
  17.     Geophysics
  18.     Industrial & Systems Engineering
  19.     Information Assurance & Security
  20.     Life Sciences
  21.     Materials Science & Engineering
  22.     Mathematical Sciences
  23.     Mechanical Engineering
  24.     Medical Physics
  25.     Petroleum Engineering
  26.     Physics
  27.     Software Engineering
  28.     Systems & Control Engineering
  29.     Telecommunication Engineering

What are the Eligibility Criteria for King Fahd University Scholarship?

Applicants must fulfil the following eligibility criteria to avail of this King Fahd University Scholarship 2024:

  1. For Master's Degree requires a four-year Bachelor’s degree specifically in Chemical Engineering.
  2. For PhD Degree requires a two-year Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering.
  3. The minimum CGPA must have a CGPA greater than 3.2 out of 4.0.
  4. Applicants need to achieve a minimum score of 520 (PBT), 190 (CBT), or 70 (IBT) in TOEFL, or a minimum score of 6.0 in IELTS.


What Documents are Required to Apply?

 The list of documents is given below:

  1. The highest degree diploma verified with official stamps should be uploaded.
  2. The highest degree Transcript verified with official stamps should be uploaded.
  3. 3 Recommendation Letters
  4. Passport Scan.
  5. CV
  6. Photographs
  7. Personal Statements
  8. English Language Proficiency Document
  9. GRE / GMAT
  10. Other reference documents

Application Deadline for King Fahd University Scholarship

The last date to apply for this scholarship is Jun. 29, 2024.

How to Apply for the King Fahd University Scholarship?

Applying for the King Fahd University Scholarship 2024 is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step process to help you through the process:

  1. Go to the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals website to access the scholarship application portal.
  2. If you are a new user, you will need to create an account on the scholarship application portal.
  3. Complete the online application form with accurate and up-to-date information. Provide details about your educational background, personal information, and contact details.
  4. Prepare and upload the necessary documents.
  5. Review all information entered and documents uploaded before submitting your application. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email.
  6. After the submission deadline, the scholarship committee will review all applications. Shortlisted candidates may be contacted for interviews or additional documentation.
  7. If selected, you will receive an official offer letter. Follow the instructions provided to accept the scholarship and confirm your enrollment at KFUPM.

,KFUPM scholarship application, King Fahd University funding opportunities, Study in Saudi Arabia scholarships, King Fahd University international students, KFUPM postgraduate scholarships, King Fahd University financial aid, Saudi Arabia university scholarships, KFUPM tuition assistance