The Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship 2023/2024 Program under the Government of Brunei is open for International students. It is a fully-funded scholarship for International students, to pursue different Diplomas, Undergraduate / Bachelor, Master's (MS/M.Phil), and Doctoral Degree Programs on the Fully Funded Government of Brunie Darussalam Scholarships 2023/2024. Brunei Darussalam International Scholarship will cover almost all the expenses during the study in Brunie. NO IELTS Required as well as No Application Fee.
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Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship 2023-2024 | Fully Funded
Want to know about Brunei Government Scholarship
Every year Government of Brunei Darussalam offered a wide range of funded and fully-funded scholarships for International students who want to study at Brunei universities. There are hundreds of international scholarships for worldwide students to brighten their careers.
Brunei Darussalam Scholarships 2023 Program is government-funded under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Foreign Students to Undertake Diplomas, Undergraduate/Bachelors Degree, Postgraduate Masters Degrees as well as Ph.D. Degree programs in different Brunei universities. There is a large no of degree programs are available for each degree level. The language of instruction is English.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Brunei is pleased to invite international applications from all over the world for the Government of Brunei Darussalam International Scholarships 2023 under the above Scholarship Award Scheme for the 2023/2024 academic session.
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Want to know something more: There is No Application Fee for applying to Brunei Universities under the Fully Funded Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship 2023/2024. Government Of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships 2023/2024 is the world's top generous Scholarship for Foreign Students to complete their study at four Top Universities of Brunei Darussalam. You can apply without IELTS / TOEFL, by providing English Proficiency Certificate from your home university or college.
Host Country: Study in Brunei
Host University:
- Universiti Brunei Darussalam – www.ubd.edu.bn
- Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali – www.unissa.edu.bn
- Universiti Teknologi Brunei – www.utb.edu.bn
- Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU SB)
- Politeknik Brunei – www.pb.edu.bn
Scholarships Offered By: Government Of Brunei Darussalam
Scholarships Coverage: Fully Funded
Degree Level: Diploma, Bachelors, Masters (MS / M.Phil) & Ph.D. Degree Programs in different Fields.
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What are the benefits of Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship?
One of the Top Fully Funded generous International Scholarship opportunities is open for foreign students from all over the world under Brunei Government Scholarship 2023/2024 program. So Want to Study in Brunei at 5 different Brunei universities? The good is that you don't need to pay any No Application Fee.
What are you waiting for? It is an excellent Opportunity, It is time to apply for your dream study in Brunei on Fully Funded Government of Brunei Scholarships for Diploma, Bachelors, and Master (MS/ M.Phil) Studies. The scholarship will cover all expenses during the study in Brunei.
Expenses that will cover by Brunei Government Scholarship:
- Exemption from paying tuition fees including acceptance, examination, registration, and orientation fees for the duration of the program
- An Economy Class Round Air Ticket to/from Brunei Darussalam
- A monthly meals allowance of BND$150.00
- An annual book allowance of BND$600.00
- Accommodation at the residential college of the University/ Polytechnic
- Baggage allowance for shipment of the scholarship recipient's personal effects to his country of origin/country of domicile upon completion of the program, at a maximum amount of:
- 1. BND$250.00 to a country within the ASEAN region OR
- 2. BND$500.00 to a country outside the ASEAN region
You can find a list of ASEAN Countries by Read More
7. Comprehensive insurance covers the whole duration of the Scholarship.
A monthly living Allowance will be Given:
- A Monthly Personal allowance of BND$500.00
Duration of Scholarship:
- Diploma: 3 Years
- Undergraduate Degree: 8 Semesters (4 Years Full Time)
- Masters Degree: 12 Months, 24 Months
Expenses that will cover by Ph.D. / Graduate Scholarship:
Note: Scholarship for Ph.D. Students are currently available only at Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
- Waived tuition fees, including registration and acceptance fees at Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
- A subsistence allowance of BND 500.00 per month for 36 months.
- On-campus accommodation for 36 months.
- For candidates not residing in Brunei Darussalam, one round trip economy class air ticket will be provided from their home country upon accepting the scholarship and to their home country upon completion of their studies.
- Allowances for field research (BND 1000.00 for Arts and Humanities, and BND 2000.00 for Science candidates)
You can also Apply for the following opportunities.
- KAUST Scholarships 2023 in Saudi Arabia Fully Funded
- Switzerland Fellowship 2023 - Fully Funded (Family Person can go with Applicant) - HERE
What Degree Programs are Offered By Brunei Government Scholarship?
Government Of Brunei Darussalam Scholarships 2023/2024 is offering almost All academic fields. The list of fields is given below for the Brunei Darussalam International Scholarship for Diploma, Bachelors, and Masters.
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD):
- Arts & Social Sciences
- Islamic Studies
- Technologies
- Advanced Materials and Energy Studies
- Policy Studies
- Asian Studies
- Science
- Business
- Engineering
- Health Science
- Economics
- Education
To Download Fields offered by Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Simply HERE
Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA):
- Arabic Language and Translation
- Shariah
- Usuluddin
- Laws
- Halal Science
- Development Management
- Islamic Banking and Finance
- Mazhab Shafi’i
- Islamic Economics
To Download Fields offered by Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Simply HERE
Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB):
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Business Honors (All Fields)
- Economics
- Food Science & Technology
- Computing
- Architecture
To Download Fields offered by Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Simply HERE
Politeknik Brunei (PB):
- Diploma In Business Accounting And Finance
- Diploma In Data Analytics
- Diploma In Digital Media
- Diploma In It Network
- Diploma In Information Systems
- Diploma In Web Development
- Diploma In Architecture
- Diploma In Interior Design
- Diploma In Architecture
- Diploma In Interior Design
- Diploma In Civil Engineering
- Diploma In Electrical And Electronics Engineering
- Diploma In Mechanical Engineering
- Diploma in Petroleum Engineering
- Diploma In Science Technology (Chemical Laboratory Technology)
- Diploma In Telecommunications And Systems Engineering
- Diploma In Telecommunications And Systems Engineering
- Diploma In Health Sciences (Nursing)
To Download Fields offered by Politeknik Brunei, Simply HERE
Ph.D. Degree Programs Offered By Universiti Brunei Darussalam:
Universiti Brunei Darussalam Scholarships are available to pursue Masters & Ph.D. Programs in all fields. There are 40+ Courses or Fields available. Please check the given list of available fields.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences:
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Anthropology
- Applied Linguistics
- English Literature
- Environmental Studies
- Geography
- History
- Malay Language & Linguistics
- Malay Literature
- Professional Communication & the Media
- Art
- Sociology
Master of Arts by Research:
- Anthropology
- Art
- English Literature
- English Language and Linguistics
- Environmental Studies
- Geography
- History
- Malay Language and Linguistics
- Malay Literature
- Sociology
- Professional Communication and the Media
UBD School of Business & Economics
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Management
- Economics
- Finance
Master by Coursework:
- Business Administration
- Management
- Logistics
- Applied Economics
- Islamic Finance
Master by Research:
- Management
- Economics
- Finance
Faculty of Science:
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Biodiversity
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Geoscience
- Mathematics
- Applied Physics
Master of Science by Coursework
- Petroleum Geosciences
Master of Science by Research:
- Biodiversity
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Geosciences
Pengiran Anak Puteri Rashidah Sa’adatul Bolkiah Institute of Health Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Public Health
- Biomedical Sciences
- Clinical Sciences
- Nursing
- Midwifery
Master by Coursework:
- Public Health
- Medicine*
- Nursing*
* Part-time basis only
Master of Health Science by Research:
- Biomedical Sciences
- Clinical Sciences
- Nursing
- Midwifery
- Public Health
Academy of Brunei Studies
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Brunei Studies
Master of Arts by Research:
- Brunei Studies
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Master by Coursework:
- Counseling
- Education
- Teaching
Master by Research:
- Education
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Centre for Islamic Studies
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Islamic Civilisation and Contemporary Issues
Master of Arts by Research:
- Islamic Civilisation and Contemporary Issues
Institute of Asian Studies
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Asian Studies
Master by Research
- Asian Studies
Faculty of Integrated Technologies
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Systems Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
Master of Engineering by Research:
- Chemical Engineering
- Systems Engineering
Centre for Advanced Materials and Energy Studies
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Material Science
- Energy Studies
Master of Science by Research:
- Material Science
- Energy Studies
Institute of Policy Studies
Doctor of Philosophy:
- Islamic Governance
- Public Policy
Master by Coursework:
Public Policy and Management
Master by Research:
- Islamic Governance
- A list of Graduate Degree Programs can be seen: HERE
What is the Eligibility Criteria for Diploma, Undergraduate, and Masters Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship?
Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail of this Scholarship for International Students for their Diploma, Bachelors, and Masters studies under the Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship.
- Applications are open to citizens of, but not limited to, ASEAN, Commonwealth, and OIC member countries.
- Applicants must be, between the ages of 18-25 for Undergraduate and Diploma programs and must not exceed the age of 35 for Postgraduate Master's Degree programs on the 31st of July 2023.
- The award is NOT eligible for Brunei Darussalam Permanent Residents.
What are the Eligibility Criteria for Universiti Brunei Darussalam Ph.D.? Scholarships?
Eligible Countries: World Wide Students can apply for this scholarship for international under Brunei scholarship 2023 at Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
- Applicant must have at least a first-class honors Bachelor's degree to apply to Masters degree program
- Applicant must have A second-class upper honors Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree with a good publication record for Doctoral Degree Program.
- High-quality and impactful research proposal.
- Fit to pursue studies in the area of choice.
What are the Entry Requirements Required to Apply?
The list of conditions is given below:
- Conform to all the rules and regulations underlying this Scholarship
- Abide by the rules and regulations of his University/ Polytechnic
- Respect the customs, culture, and official religion of Brunei Darussalam
- Obey all the laws and regulations of Brunei Darussalam
- Refrain from engaging in political activities
- Undergo health screening in Brunei Darussalam if deemed necessary by the Ministry of Foreign Affair
Application Deadline for Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship 2023
The last date to apply for the Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship for International Students 2023 (Fully Funded International Scholarship) is 15 Feb 2023
Deadline for Universiti Brunei Darussalam Ph.D. Scholarships 2023
The application deadline for scholarships for international students under Universiti Brunei Darussalam Graduate Scholarships 2023 is 28th February 2023 for the Ph.D. Degree Scholarship.
How to Apply for Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship - Diploma, Undergraduate & Masters:
- Application forms Download
- Application forms must be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for scholarships of the applicant's country
- Applicants are required to also submit a security clearance statement from their National Security Agency(ies)/ Police Station (i.e. a statement/ report certifying that applicants are clear from any civil and criminal charges)
For the Official Advertisement of Diploma, Undergraduate, & Masters Awards & Scholarship - Official Advertisement
How to Apply for Universiti Brunei Darussalam Ph.D. Scholarships:
In order to apply for the Brunei Scholarships opportunity, at Universiti Brunei Darussalam, students must take admitted to any graduate degree program. The Application Process is Completely Online, Student needs to Follow the procedure given below, get register and fill out the scholarship application form.
Before moving further, We want to share information about the Fully Funded Scholarship in UK for International Students 2023 - HERE
- Apply at Universiti Brunei Darussalam - ENROLL NOW
- For the Official Advertisement of Ph.D. Awards & Scholarship - Official Advertisement
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