Students from all over the world dreamed of Study in Europe because of its rich beauty, heritage, renowned, culture, and advanced educational system. Europe welcomes international students, after entry into Europe the students discover new cultures, foods, and join the different international community's friends company. There are thousands of Scholarships in Europe at different European universities. There are Bachelors's Scholarships in Europe, Masters Scholarships in Europe as well as Ph.D. Scholarships in Europe.
As Europe has a high reputation and recognized as the best study center all over the world. There are hundreds of top world top-ranked universities in Europe that provide quality education to individuals for their bright careers.
There are several countries that are located in Europe such as Austria, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, France, Netherland, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, and Slovakia.
The above-mentioned countries provide partially funded & fully funded international scholarships every year under different Government Scholarships programs as well as University Funded Scholarships. Besides this, International students enrolled in top-class European universities in different degree programs and have excellent opportunities to work under internationally qualified professors, and also participates in their research projects.
There is no doubt, a study in Europe is very costly, but European scholarships can help international students to Study in top-ranked European universities to fulfill their dream. After receiving any top scholarship in Europe, students are better able to focus on their studies and they can manage all the allowances easily.
List of Top Scholarships in Europe 2022 | Study in Europe
Study in Switzerland on scholarship
ETH Zurich Excellence Scholarship Program
ETH Zurich Excellence Scholarship Program is open every year for international students for master’s degree level students. Applicants are selected on a merit basis for this Switzerland Scholarship. Those applicants who want to continue their studies at ETH Zurich can apply for ETH Zurich Excellence Scholarship Program. ETH Zurich offers international scholarships for those students who belong from different cultures, backgrounds, facilitates mutual respect, top supports their higher studies in Europe.
For more info visit: https://ethz.ch/students/en/studies/financial/scholarships/excellencescholarship.html
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists
Every year the Government of Switzerland offers the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships program for worldwide students. It is a post-graduate level scholarship that is offered at different Swiss universities. This International Scholarship is offered on a merit basis.
For more info visit: Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships - HERE
University of Geneva Scholarships
The University of Geneva, Switzerland offers domestic and international scholarships for Undergraduate to Postgraduate studies. There are multiple partial funding support is available for students. For more information please visit the official website of the University of Geneva.
For more info visit: https://www.unige.ch/dife/en/social-finances/financial-aid
Study in the Netherlands on scholarship:
Amsterdam Merit Scholarships
Amsterdam Merit Scholarships are offered on yearly basis by the University of Amsterdam for brilliant worldwide students (Non-EU OR EEA). These International merit scholarships are available for Masters Degree programs at the University of Amsterdam.
For more info visit: https://www.uva.nl/en/education/master-s/scholarships–tuition/scholarships-and-loans/amsterdam-merit-scholarship/amsterdam-merit-scholarship.html
Anne van den Ban Scholarships
Wageningen University is offering the Anne van den Ban Scholarships for international students. This scholarship is awarding in the fields of agriculture and food or environment-related courses.
For more info visit: http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Benefactors/Service/For-Applicants/Anne-van-den-Ban-Fund.htm
Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarships
The University of Groningen is offering the Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarships for master’s degree level students. International applicants from All around the world can apply to the Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship.
For more info visit: https://www.rug.nl/education/scholarships/eric-bleumink-fund
Holland Scholarship for International Students
Every year The Government of Holland announces an International Scholarship for bachelor, masters, and doctorate degree levels. Students around the world are eligible to apply for the Holland scholarship except for the European countries students.
For more info visit: https://www.studyinholland.nl/scholarships/highlighted-scholarships/holland-scholarship
Leiden University Excellence Scholarships
The Leiden University is one of the top-class universities in the Netherlands, that currently offering International Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Program to pursue different Masters degree programs
For more info visit: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/scholarships/sea/leiden-university-excellence-scholarship-
Netherlands Fellowship Programs
Netherlands Fellowship program is an excellent government-funded fellowship program, that is offered to international students around the globe. This Fellowship program is offering for different degree levels such as Masters, Ph.D., or short courses. Preference would be given to the female applicants, especially those who belong to sub-Saharan Africa.
Orange Tulip Scholarship
This Orange Tulip Scholarship is open its application for citizens of South Korea, Mexico, Brazil & China for Study in the Netherlands.
For more info visit: https://www.studyinholland.nl/study/scholarships/highlighted-scholarships/orange-tulip-scholarship-programme
Radboud Scholarship Program
Radboud University, of Netherlands, is offering the Radboud Scholarship Program to pursue different master’s degree programs. International students coming from Non-EEA countries are eligible to apply for this International Scholarships program.
For more info visit: https://www.ru.nl/english/education/masters/international-and-european-law/vm/scholarships-and-grants/scholarships/rsprogramme/
UM, High Potential Scholarships
UM, High Potential Scholarships is a merit-based master’s degree level scholarship for international talented students. This UM, High Potential Scholarships are available at the Maastricht University of Netherlands.
For more info visit: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/support/your-studies-begin/coming-maastricht-university-abroad/scholarships/maastricht-university
University of Twente Scholarships
The University of Twente, Netherlands is one of the famous universities that offering an International Scholarship program every year to domestic and international students. The interested applicant needs to first apply for a university degree program, then he/she is eligible to apply for the University of Twente Scholarship.
For more info visit: https://www.utwente.nl/en/education/scholarship-finder/university-of-twente-scholarship/#additional-scholarship
VU Amsterdam Fellowship
VU Amsterdam Fellowship program is Master's degree level International Scholarships program that is available for all nationalities of students except dutch. The VU Amsterdam Fellowship degree program is taught in the English language. Interested Applicants need to apply from the given link below.
For more info visit: https://masters.vu.nl/en/international/scholarships/index.aspx
World Citizen Talent Scholarship
The Hague University of Applied Sciences offers the International World Citizen Talent Scholarship to worldwide students. This International Merit Scholarship is awarded on the basis of the academic excellence of the student at master's degree level program.
For more info visit: https://www.thehagueuniversity.com/study-choice/masters-professional-courses/scholarships/world-citizen-talent-scholarship
Study in Italy on scholarship
Bocconi Scholarships
The Bocconi University of Italy is offering Bocconi Italy scholarships for international students. This Bocconi scholarship is available to pursue a different Masters degree program that will cover the full tuition fee as well as other allowances.
For more info visit: https://www.unibocconi.eu/wps/wcm/connect/Bocconi/SitoPubblico_EN/Navigation+Tree/Home/programs/bachelor+of+science/World+Bachelor+in+Business/Fees+and+Scholarships/
Italian Government Scholarships
Every year Italian Government announces International Scholarships for Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. Degree Students. Students from all over the world as well as Italian nationals are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
For more info visit: https://studyinitaly.esteri.it/en/call-for-procedure
CICOPS Scholarships
The University of Pavia, Italy offering International CICOPS Scholarships for worldwide students, for different research degree programs. This Italy Scholarship under the CICOPS Scholarship program is only offered to those applicants who get an acceptance letter from a professor of the University of Pavia.
For more info visit: http://cicops.unipv.it/cicops-scholarships/
University of Bologna Study Grants
The University of Bologna provides Financial Support Program to International students who complete their studies in Italy. University of Bologna Scholarships are available to pursue different Undergraduate and Masters Degree programs study grants is offering to worldwide students at their undergraduate and master’s degree level. Applicants would be admitted to the University of Bologna.
For more info visit: https://scholarships365.info/university-of-bologna-scholarships-for-international-students-for-study-in-italy
IMT School Ph.D. scholarships
IMT School offers International Scholarships to Ph.D. Degree programs. These are fully-funded scholarships that are available to international students who want to pursue their degree in Systems Science or Cognitive & Cultural systems.
For more info visit: http://www.imtlucca.it/en/programma-dottorato/ammissione/procedure
Study in Ireland on scholarship:
Dublin Institute of Technology Centenary Scholarship
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Ireland welcomes International students under International Scholarships programs. DIT Centenary Scholarship is available to International applicants of all nationalities to pursue different master's degree programs.
For more info visit: http://www.dit.ie/international/forstudents/centenary_scholarships/
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships
Every year the Government of Ireland opens the doors for International Students to Study in Ireland at different Irish Universities. The Ireland Government Scholarship program will provide the financial support of €10,000 to an International applicant to study at different Irish universities.
For more info visit: https://eurireland.ie/2021/02/08/government-of-ireland-international-education-scholarships-2021/
NUI Galway Scholarships
NUI Galway is a merit-based scholarship program that is available to pursue Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. Degree programs. International Applicants from the US, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, and India are eligible to apply for NUI Galway Scholarships.
For more info visit: http://www.nuigalway.ie/international-students/feesfinance/internationalscholarships/
Study in Hungary on scholarship
Hungarian Government Scholarships
The Hungarian Government International Scholarship applications are open for those worldwide students who have a keen interest in agricultural water management sciences, agribusiness, rural development, or horticulture fields. This FAO Hungarian Government Scholarship is available to pursue Masters studies in mentioned fields.
For more info visit: http://www.fao.org/europe/news/detail-news/en/c/1257432/
The Stipendium Hungaricum
The Stipendium Hungaricum is another one of the Fully Funded Hungary Government Scholarship programs that are available to pursue Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. Studies in Hungary. The scholarship will cover the tuition fees, travel allowance, medical insurance, and living allowances.
For more info visit: https://scholarships365.info/university-of-debrecen-stipendium-hungaricum-scholarship
Study in Greece on scholarship:
Greek Government Scholarships
Every year the Government of Greece welcomes International applicants to Study in Greece. The Greek Government Scholarships is available to pursue different Undergraduate, Masters and Ph.D. degree programs or research projects. There are about 50+ Scholarships every year that is awarded to International applicants at different Greek Universities.
For more info visit: http://www.minedu.gov.gr/odigos-upotrofiwn
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is offering international scholarships to worldwide students who want to pursue different degree programs from undergraduate to postgraduate degree programs.
For more info visit: http://dps.auth.gr/en/scholarships-foreigns-nationals
Study in France on scholarship:
Eiffel Scholarships in France
The Eiffel Excellence Scholarships is one of the most famous and fully funded scholarships in France program that is available to pursue different Masters and Ph.D. Degree level studies in top French universities. International applicants are required to contact the selected institute of Campus France Eiffel Excellence Scholarship program to submit their scholarship application.
For more info visit: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/eiffel-scholarship-program-of-excellence?
Emile Boutmy Scholarships
The Science Po university of France offers International scholarships every year to Non-EU countries students to study in France under the Emile Boutmy Scholarship program. Emile Boutmy Scholarships are available for Bachelors / Undergraduate and Masters Students to study different fields and majors at Science Po, France.
For more info visit: https://scholarships365.info/emile-boutmy-scholarship
Foundation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarships
These Foundation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarships are offering to women of African and Asian countries at HEC Paris, University. This Scholarship for International Students is available only to pursue an MBA program.
For more info visit: http://www.mba.hec.edu/Fees-Funding/Scholarships/Fondation-Rainbow-Bridge
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Scholarships
ENS de Lyon, France has a large no of International Scholarships for Masters and Ph.D. Studies. The applicant needs to apply first for admission at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon and then ask for funding support from the admission department.
For more info visit: http://www.ens-lyon.fr/en/studies/student-information/grants-and-scholarships
Study in the Czech Republic on Scholarship
Czech Government Scholarships
The government of Czech announces an International Scholarships award every year for world wides students to study in the CZECH Republic. This scholarship is open for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degree levels. The medium of language will be Czech for this scholarship.
For more info visit: https://www.studyin.cz/plan-your-studies/scholarships/
Masaryk University Faculty of Arts
The Masaryk University of Czech Republic offers a short-term language course on a scholarship program for International Applicants. This program is offered by Faculty of Arts awards for a 3-month period. This scholarship is a short-term scholarship program that is offered to interested applicants to study culture, literature, or the Czech language. There are about 4 scholarship awards are available annually worth 8,000 CZK/month.
For more info visit: https://www.phil.muni.cz/kabcest/en/scholarship.php
Study in Belgium on Scholarship
VLIR-UOS ScholarshipsCIUF-CUD Scholarships
CIUF-CUD Scholarships are awarding to international students from all around the world who want to pursue a master’s degree in Belgium. Applicants are required to apply at the Eligible Institution of CIUF-CUD Scholarship program for their Masters studies.
For more info visit: https://www.ares-ac.be/en/cooperation-au-developpement/scholarships/masters-and-training-programmes-in-belgium
LIR-UOS Scholarships
These VLIR-UOS Scholarships are offered the international students of Africa, Asia, or Latin America. The applications are open every year for the VLIR-UOS Scholarship program in Belgium for different master's degree programs.
For more info visit: https://www.vliruos.be/en/scholarships/6
KU Leuven Science ScholarshipsGhent University Top-up Grants
The Ghent University of Belgium offering International scholarships for developing countries students to full their dream to Study in Belgium. This Belgium Scholarship is available only for Masters Degree programs.
For more info visit: https://www.ugent.be/en/research/funding/devcoop/grants-scholarships/top-up-grants
KU Leuven Science Scholarships
The KU Leuven is offering International Science Scholarships to worldwide students who pursue different master's degree programs in the different fields of science.
For more info visit: http://wet.kuleuven.be/english/scienceatleuvenscholarship
KU Leuven IRO Ph.D. Scholarships
International Scholarships for developing countries students are available at KU Leuven. The Scholarships are available at the Doctorate / Ph.D. level studies. Applicants must be interested to study at KU Leuven in available degree programs.
For more info visit: https://www.kuleuven.be/kuleuven/
Study in Austria on Scholarship
Austrian Government Scholarships
The Austrian Government scholarship offers International Scholarships in Austria for bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degree levels. This scholarship offers financial support up to €1,050 per month for 4 months.
For more info visit: https://www.scholarships.at/out/default.aspx?TemplateGroupID=5&PageMode=3&GrainEntryID=14113&HZGID=15009&LangID=2
Danubius Young Scientist Award in Austria
The Danubius Young Scientist Award in Austria offers to young talented scientists that work for the betterment of society. International applicants as well as the Danube region students are also eligible to apply for this scholarship. The scholarship worth US$1,350 will be provided to the selected applicants.
For more info visit: http://www.idm.at/projekte/preise/danubius-young-scientist-award
Study anywhere in Europe
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships is one of the most famous European scholarship programs that offer fully funded international scholarships to worldwide countries students. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship will cover all the expenses of the students during the Study in Europe. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship applications are open every year.
For more info visit: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/scholarships_en
Surfshark Privacy and Security Scholarship
Surfshark Privacy and Security Scholarship applications are open for those applicants who have currently admitted to any European school. The scholarship worth of 2,000$ is awarding to the selected international applicants. This scholarship open for all degree levels. The students need to write an essay required by the organization to selected for this scholarship.
For more info visit: https://surfshark.com/scholarship
Study in Spain on Scholarship
GSE Scholarships
If you want to Study in Spain under the Spain Scholarships program, it's a great opportunity for you as the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics is awarding the GSE Scholarships for master’s degree students. There is no need for a separate application for the scholarship. All the applicants who already apply for admission will also be considered for the scholarship.
For more info visit: http://www.barcelonagse.eu/scholarships-financial-aid
Zaragoza Logistics Center
This Zaragoza Logistics Center scholarship is available for the students of African countries to pursue master’s degree level studies. Interested applicants from Africa can apply for this international scholarship and must have a keen interest in logistics or another relevant field.
For more info visit: http://www.zlc.edu.es/education/mit-zaragoza-masters/financial-aid/scholarships/
Slovak Government ScholarshipsSpanish Studies Abroad
There is a large no of Spanish Scholarships for many international students. Those students who want to study in a Spanish-speaking country can also apply for this scholarship.
For more info visit: http://www.spanishstudies.org/scholarships.html
Study in Belgium on Slovakia
Slovak Government Scholarships
Every year The Slovak Government announces International Slovak Government Scholarships for developing countries such as the Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe. International students from these given regions can apply for different Slovakian universities for Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. Studies
For more info visit: https://scholarships365.info/slovak-republic-government-scholarships
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