2019 AS-VN Internship Program for Vietnamese Students in Taiwan

2019 AS-VN Research Internships Program 2019 is an opportunity for Vietnamese International Students from  the Veitnam. 2019 AS-VN Research Internships Program 2020 at Academia Sinica, Under Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) is Fully Funded an International Research Internship Program in Taiwan.


2019 AS-VN Research Internships Program 2019: 

2019 AS-VN Research Internships Program 2019 is Fully Funded for Young Students from Vietnam to do Research Internship at Academia Sinica which is the most prestigious research institution in Taiwan

TIGP will host 2019 AS+VN workshop on our beautiful campus in Nankang, Taipei. A special internship scheme is arranged to host outstanding young scholars from Vietnam to experience Taiwan’s best research environment, to meet top-notch scientists and to utilize state-of-the-art research facilities.

This 1-3 month intern program will be held from October to December 2019. An on-line application site is opened from July 30 to August 13, 2019, and the result will be released in the first week of September.

Host Country : Taiwan

Research University:  King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Conference Offered By:  Funded by KAUST, Saudi Arabia

Financial Coverage: Fully Funded

Degree Level: BS and MS Students can Apply.

Students Should Like & Follow US on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. So You Will Never Miss Any Opportunity for your excellency.

  1. Like Here Facebook Page 
  2. Join Our Facebook Group  
  3. Follow Us on Twitter Here  
  4. Join WhatsApp Group Here

You can also Apply for following opportunities.

  1. Doha Oasis for Innovation – Doha QIC Youth Capital 2019 in Qatar [Fully Funded]
  2. 2nd International Youth Startup Summit 2019 in Turkey, Fully Funded
  3. 9th ASEF Conference in Spain 2019 for Students - Fully Funded
😇 So You Will Never Miss Any Opportunity for your excellency. Then hurry up to join, follow and like us on different Social Networks. 😇

Financial Package for 2019 AS-VN Research Internships:

Excellent Opportunity for those students who have dream to do a Research at Academia Sinica, Under Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP). Students will Participate in Research Work on multiple research areas.

2019 AS-VN Research Internships will cover all the expenses during stay in Taiwan include AirTicket.

Here is List of Exepnses which will cover by this program:

All the Expenses will be covered:

  1.     Great Research Experience in Academia Sinica
  2.     Monthly allowance (15,000 NTD before tax) provided by hosting PI
  3.     On-campus housing (share rooms in TiGP dorm)
  4.     Half of the airfare will be reimbursed
  5.     Limited travel insurance (students are advised to get their own travel/medical insurance in their country)

2019 AS-VN Research Internships Fields - (Participating Area, Major):

List of the Internship fields:

  1. CBMB, Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics
  2. MST, Molecular Science and Technology
  3. MBAS, Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences
  4. MCB, Molecular and Cell Biology
  5. NANO, Nano Science and Technology
  6. MM, Molecular Medicine
  7. ESS, Earth System Science Program
  8. BIODIV, Biodiversity
  9. INS, Interdisciplinary Neuroscience
  10. SNHCC, Social Networks and Human-Centered Computing

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail the this opportunity. Each Year Academia Sinica Accept Multiple Students.

Eligible Countries:  Students from Vietnam are elibile to Apply.

Other Requirements:

  1.     Undergraduate students
  2.     Master students
  3.     Recent graduate (within a year)

Required Documents for Internship Program:

  1.     CV
  2.     Profile picture
  3.     Passport Scanned file (Personal information page)
  4.     Statement of purpose (SOP)
  5.     Transcript
  6.     Two recommendation letters (with their official e-mail addresses)
  7.     Other documents that may support your application

Internships Duration: Internships will be between 1-3 Months.

How to Apply For 2019 AS-VN Research Internships:

Students have to directly apply for this Research Internship:

  1. You have to Fill the Online Application Form by Click on Apply Button Below or Click Here.
  2. For Official Source / Advertisement Click on Official Source Button Below or Click Here.

Deadline: August 13, 2019

,2019 AS-VN Research Internships Program 2020, Summer Schools 2020-2021 Fully Funded, Fellowships 2020 Fully Funded, Taiwan Government Scholarships Program 2020, Vietnamese International Students from Vietnam, VSRP KAUST Internship 2020, Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP), Academia Sinica