Want to study in Japan? for Bachelor's, Masters, and Ph.D. Studies? on Funded and Fully Funded Scholarships in Japan?. Asia Pacific University Japan offers large no of Funded and Fully Funded Scholarships under Japanese Government Scholarship, University Funded Scholarships, and External Organization Funding Scholarships.

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These International Japan Scholarships 2021 applications are open now and are available to Domestic & international students. Huge No of scholarship opportunities at Asia Pacific University, Japan. If you want to study in Japan, you must apply as There are multiple scholarship programs that offer funded & fully-funded scholarships to support both domestic and international students undertaking Undergraduate Degree Programs, Masters Degree Programs, and Ph.D. Degree Program in all fields AT Asia Pacific University, Japan.

Asia Pacific University Japan Scholarships 2021 - Fully Funded

Asia Pacific University Japan: Asia Pacific University Located in southwest Japan in the city of Beppu, Asia Pacific University (APU) offers Bachelors's, Masters's, and Ph.D. opportunities to complete your education while studying in a unique multicultural learning environment. As an APU student, you will join a vibrant community that has a nearly one to one ratio of Japanese/domestic students to international students, who currently represent 80 countries/regions. The mission of APU is to contribute to freedom, peace, humanity, international mutual understanding, and the future shape of the Asia Pacific region by creating global leaders across all fields and industries.

Asia Pacific University Japan Scholarships: Every year there is a large no of scholarships to provide financial supports to domestic and International students at Asia Pacific University, Japan, under different Japanese Government Scholarships, University Funded, and External Scholarships programs. There are fully funded scholarships as well as funded scholarships are available at university.

These scholarships are available to pursue Undergraduate, Masters and Ph.D. Studies in all academic fields at King Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan. There are different types of large no of scholarships, the list is given below:

Asia Pacific University Japan Graduate Scholarships:

  1.     MEXT (SGU): Japanese Government (MEXT) Top Global University Project (SGU) Scholarship
  2.     MEXT (UR): Japanese Government (MEXT) University Recommendation Scholarship
  3.     ADB-JSP: Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program
  5.     Nikkei Leader Scholarship: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Scholarship for Nikkei Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean: Program for Developing Leaders in Nikkei Communities
  6.     Nikkei Scholarship: The Nippon Foundation Nikkei Scholarship “Dream Come True Project”
  7.     MEXT (Embassy): Japanese Government (MEXT) Embassy Recommendation Scholarship
  8.     AfDB-JADS: African Development Bank - Japan Africa Dream Scholarship

APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship is also available for Graduate Students.

Asia Pacific University Japan Undergraduate Scholarships:

  1.     ANDO Momofuku Award
  2.     SATO Yo International Scholarship
  3.     APU Academic Merit Scholarship
  4.     APU Incentive Scholarship for Self-motivated Students
  5.     APU Resident Assistant Scholarship
  6.     Nojima Foundation Scholarship
  7.     Heiwa Nakajima Scholarship
  8.     Toyota Tsusho Scholarship
  9.     Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship
  10.     Mitsubishi UFJ Scholarship
  11.     Oita Prefecture Scholarship
  12.     Sojitsu Scholarship
  13.     Unicharm Scholarship
  14.     Kobayashi Scholarship
  15.     Tohkoh Jushi Scholarship
  16.     Kyushu Oil Labor Union Stork Scholarship
  17.     MAKITA Jinichi Scholarship
  18.     Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship
  19.     Oita Rotary Club Scholarship
  20.     Rotary Yoneyama Scholarship
  21.     Tatsunoko Foundation Scholarship
  22.     Mitsubishi Research Institute Asia Research Fellow Scholarship
  23.     JEES Shosu Scholarship
  24.     Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students (JASSO)

APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship is also available for Undergraduate Students.

Host Country: Study in Japan

Host University: Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan

Scholarships Offered By: Japanese Government Funded, University Funded, and External Scholarships.

Scholarships Coverage: Funded & Fully Funded

Degree Level: Bachelors, Masters (MS / M.Phil) & Ph.D. Degree Programs in all Fields.

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What are the benefits of Asia Pacific University Japan Scholarships?

Those who want to Free Study in Japan? Don't miss this great opportunity, study and explore the Japanese Culture and Environment on different Funded & Fully Funded  Scholarships for Bachelors, Master (MS/ M.Phil), and Ph.D. Studies. There are different benefits to each scholarship, as given below.

Benefits of Asia Pacific University Japan Graduate Scholarships:

Benefits of MEXT Top Global University Project (SGU):

  1.     100% of tuition (covered by the APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship)
  2.     144,000 JPY per month for living expenses (amount subject to change)

MEXT (SGU) Scholarship detail information - Check Here

Benefits of MEXT University Recommendation (UR):

  1.     100% of tuition (covered by the APU Tuition Reduction Scholarship)
  2.     144,000 JPY per month for living expenses (amount subject to change)
  3.     Economy class air travel between the home country and APU at the beginning and end of the program


MEXT (UR) Scholarship detail information - Check Here

Benefits of Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP):

  1.     Full admission fee
  2.     Full tuition
  3.     144,000 JPY/month for living expenses (amount may be subject to change)
  4.     Economy class air travel between the home country and APU at the beginning and end of the program.

ADB-JSP Scholarship detail information - Check Here


Programs Offered By Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU):

Scholarships are available to pursue Bachelor's / Undergraduate, Masters (MS/ M.Phil) and PhD in all multiple fields. A list of the Programs Details is given below.

  1. Check Bachelors / Undergraduate Programs: Check Here
  2. Check Graduate Programs: Check Here

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail this Scholarship for their study at APU.

  1.     Intend to study abroad in Japan from overseas and Medically Fit.
  2.     Not have Japanese nationality and be a national of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan.
  3.     Be born on or after April 2, 1985

Academic Requirements:

  1. Bachelors / Undergraduate Students:
    1. Applicants who have completed 12 years of school education in countries other than Japan.
  2. Masters Students:
    1. Applicants with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for Master’s Degree programs.
  3. PhD Students:
    1. Applicants with a master’s degree are eligible to apply for Doctoral Degree programs    

Documents Required for Apply:

 List of Documents is given below:

  1. Complete the online application form : Click Here for Online Admission Portal - Signup
  2. The highest degree diploma verified with official stamps should be uploaded. (Including Grading Points)
    1. Bachelors program applicants: 12 Years of Education (or above)
    2. Master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree diploma (or above)
    3. Ph.D. program applicants: Master’s degree diploma (or above)
    4. Note:  If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English is required.
  3. The highest degree Transcript verified with official stamps should be uploaded.(Including Grading Points)
    1. Bachelors program applicants: 12 Years of Education (or above)
    2. Master’s program applicants: Bachelor’s degree Transcripts (or above)
    3. Ph.D. program applicants: Master’s degree Transcripts (or above)
    4. Note:  If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English or is required.
  4. Two recommendation letters
    • The letters of recommendation must be written by the applicant’s teachers/advisors/employers (who are able to evaluate your academic performance and research potential) in either English.
  5. Passport Scan (if available at the time of apply)
  6. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  7. Photographs
  8. Study plan / Statement of purpose
    • The study plan is written in English. Basic content shall include motivation of application, education/ research Background, and prospective study at APU.
  9. English Language Proficiency Document:
    1. English Proficiency test score is equivalent to B2 or above on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale (e.g. TOEFL iBT 72 or above, IELTS 5.5 or above).
    2. Or Those students whose language institute was in English they can Submit English Proficiency Certificate from their Home University & they are exempted from Language Test.
  10. Supervisor Confirmation Letter (for PhD Students Only)
  11. Academic thesis or relevant publications (for Ph.D. program applicants)
    1. Applicants for Ph.D. programs should submit a copy of their Master’s thesis or relevant academic publications.
  12. Other reference documents (if applicable)

Helping Material for Apply:

Download Complete Helping Material for Apply: Check Here

Deadline: The Deadline to apply for the Japanese Government Scholarship 2020 MEXT University Recommendation at Asia Pacific University is 19th November 2019 for the September 2020 enrollment.

How to Apply for Japanese Government Scholarships MEXT 2020:

Students have to Apply directly to University and fill the Application form the following procedure given below:

Process Steps:

  1. Student have to click Apply Online Button Below in Green Color for Apply.
  2. Sign up on APU Admission Portal by Creating Account.
  3. Fill out the application form online, upload and submit all required documents.
  4. Upload to our online application system by the specified deadline. Late submission and incomplete application will not be processed.

For Apply:

  1. Student have to Click Apply Online Button Below in Green Color For Apply.
  2. You can also visit Official Advertisement from Official Source Button.

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