State Bank of Pakistan Young Professionals Induction Program (YPIP) 2019

Applications are open for the Young Professionals Induction Program (YPIP) 2019 by State Bank of Pakistan which is one of the starting points of an exciting career at SBP Banking Services Corporation for those who have passion for career development and leadership potential to grow in enthralling technical and managerial roles. It is a unique opportunity for young talent to gain exposure to central banking operations.

The program is specifically designed for highly qualified, motivated and dynamic individuals skilled in areas relevant to SBP BSC such as Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Information Systems & Technology, Commerce, Business Administration, Public Administration, Accounting, Human Resources, and Agriculture.

We value diversity in our workplace and encourage qualified men and women with diverse academic and cultural backgrounds to apply. Since 2010, the YPIP program has hired around 500 people who are holding positions from entry level to middle management positions. Candidates selected under YPIP are offered a permanent position of Officer Grade-2 at SBP BSC, spend 12 weeks in a structured development program at National Institute of Banking & Finance (NIBAF), and enjoy a variety of benefits and opportunities.

Applications are invited from all the Cities of Pakistan with a Masters or Bachelors Degree with 16 years of education from HEC Recognized Universities/institutes or reputable foreign universities are Eligible to Apply.

Compensation and Benefits:

During Residential Theoretical Training at NIBAF:

  1.     Stipend of Rs. 41,000/- per month
  2.     Free Boarding and Lodging
  3.     Medical Facility for self

After Appointment as OG-2:

  1.     Monthly monetized salary of Rs. 82,000/-
  2.     Mobile/Telephone Allowance
  3.     Medical Facility for self and eligible dependents, as per Bank’s rules
    1.         In-House Free OPD
    2.         In-House Free Pharmacy
    3.         OPD/Emergency Treatment at Partner Hospitals/Clinics
  4.     Group Term Assurance
  5.     Loan Facilities including Personal Loan, Computer Loan, Car Loan and House Building Advance
  6. Terminal Benefits:

SBP BSC offers a comprehensive terminal benefits plan for officers selected under YPIP. Upon separation from SBP BSC, a lump sum (including New Contributory Provident Fund and New Gratuity Fund) will become payable to the departing officer based on eligibility, as per Bank’s rules.

😇 So You Will Never Miss Any Opportunity for your excellency. Then hurry up to join, follow and like us on different Social Networks. 😇

Benefits of Young Professionals Induction Program (YPIP) Details

  1.     Training Duration: 12 Weeks
  2.     Monthly Stipend: 41,000
  3.     Monthly Salary: 82,000

Eligibility Criteria:

Qualification:  Masters or Bachelors Degree with 16 years of education from HEC Recognized universities/institutes or reputable foreign universities in Business Administration, Public Administration, Economics, Commerce, Finance, Accounting, Information Systems & Technology, Mathematics, Human Resources, Agriculture with minimum 60% marks where percentage system applies and minimum 2.5 out of 4.0 or 3.5 out of 5.0 CGPA where GPA system applies. Foreign degree holders are required to submit Equivalence Certificate duly issued by HEC at the time of interview to validate that they possess 16 years of education, failing to do so shall make the applicant ineligible against the said position. Candidates awaiting final results as of last date of submission of applications are not eligible to apply.


  1.     Maximum 26 years as of last date of submission of applications to SBP BSC.
  2.     Age limit will be relaxed by 03 years for candidates from FATA/Gilgit Baltistan, Balochistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
  3.     Age limit will be relaxed by 05 years for existing employees of SBP or any of its subsidiaries subject to meeting other eligibility criteria.

 Application Procedure:

  1. Register yourself at the testing agency’s website i.e.
  2. Take print out of duly filled in “Online Application Form” along with fee deposit slip.
  3. Deposit test fee of Rs. 300/- through printed deposit slip at any designated branch of ABL/HBL/MCB/MBL against the testing services to be provided by NTS.
  4. Note: As per agreed terms, NTS charges Rs. 599/- per applicant for providing testing services. However, in order to encourage young talent from the market and share their financial burden SBP BSC bears 50% of the fee i.e. Rs. 299/-.
  5. Send Application Form along with original NTS copy of deposit slip to Senior Joint Director, Talent Resourcing Division, Human Resource Management Department, SBP Banking Services Corporation, State Bank of Pakistan, I. I. Chundrigar Road, Karachi within 15 days of publication of advertisement in press i.e., April 15, 2019. Mark the envelope with the position applied for.
  6. SBP BSC/NTS is NOT responsible for late receipt of applications through post. Applications submitted in person or sent through email are NOT entertained.
  7. Eligible candidates are sent admit cards by NTS at their postal addresses to appear in the written test to be held at designated test centers.
  8. SBP BSC/NTS uploads the test results at its respective website.
  9. Only eligible applicants are informed of their status as the process moves along.
  10. We are equal opportunity employer.
  11. Incomplete/delayed applications sent through email are NOT entertained.
  12. Misinformation or any attempt to influence the selection process is considered a definite disqualification at any stage of the process for current as well as for all future recruitments in the Bank, even if the candidate is otherwise qualified.

Please Click Here for Online Application Form : Apply Here

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