Applicants are invited to apply for the KNB Scholarship 2019 from the Government of Indonesia. Indonesian Government KNB Scholarship for Masters/MPhil Degree in Indonesia 2019 in almost Every Field.
1,163 KNB Scholarships are provided internationallyStudents coming from NAM member countries, but also to other developing countries such as Thailand, Fiji, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, Madagascar, Suriname, Pakistan, Guyana, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, and Vanuatu are eligible to Apply for the KNB Indonesian Government Scholarship.. This Year More than 1,163 Scholarships will be provided. The Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) Scholarship in Indonesia to pursue their Master degree in Indonesian Universities.
Study Programs:
The Scholarship is offered to potential students from the developing Countries to get their Master Degree.
- Literary studies
- Linguistics
- History
- Philosophy
- Anthropology
- Cultural studies
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Architectural Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Naval Architect & Marine Engineering
- Geological Engineering
- Informatics Engineering
- Environmental
- Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Biology
- Physics
- Geography
- Chemistry
- Remote Sensing
- Computer
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Environmental Sciences
- Public Health
- Sports sciences
- Pharmacy Studies
- Nursing
Social Sciences
- Public Administration
- Political Science
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Law
- Economics/Development Study
- Communication & Media
- Studies
- International Relations
- Accounting
- Management
- Community Empowerment
- Indonesian Education
- Educational Science
- Social Science Education
- Natural Science Education
- Primary School Teacher Education
- Out of School Education/ Informal Education
- Applied Linguistics
- History Education
- Instructional Education
- Educational Management
- Educational Research & Evaluation
- Vocational & Technology Education
Scholarship Coverage and Duration:
The KNB Scholarship covers:
1. A Settlement Allowance of IDR 1,250,000 will be given to new students upon their arrival in Indonesia;
2. While taking the Indonesian language course and preparatory programs, the new students will only receive a Living Allowance of IDR 2,550,000 per month;
3. During the Master Program, the KNB students will receive a scheme of monthly allowance as detailed below: No Allowances Amount 1 Living Allowance IDR 2,550,000 2 Research Allowance IDR 400,000 3 Books Allowance IDR 350,000
4. A health insurance with a maximum of IDR 200,000 monthly premium (In case of the cost of medical services exceeded to those covered by the health insurance, the difference should be borne by the student);
5. A round-trip international airfare (economy class) from the international airport of the student’s home countries to Indonesia, including local transport to the host university;
Duration of the Program:
- Indonesian Language Course and Master Preparatory Program: Maximum 12 Months
- Master Program: Maximum 24 Months
Eligibility Criteria:
1. The maximum age to apply for the scholarship is 35 years old;
2. Applicants must hold a bachelor degree (master degree holder is not eligible to apply);
3. Applicants must have a TOEFL (or other certified English Proficiency) score of 500 or equivalent;
4. Applicants must complete the on-line application form;
5. Prior to the departure to Indonesia, the successful candidates must sign the Statement Letter and Scholarship Agreement prepared by the KNB Scholarship management
How to Apply:
All application process is conducted online through the KNB Scholarship website www.knb.ristekdikti.go.id.
Deadline: April 12th, 2019
,KNB Scholarship 2019 Indonesia for Masters, KNB Scholarship, KNB Scholarship 2019, KNB Scholarship 2019 Indonesia, Master Scholarship in Indonesia, Indonesia Scholarships, Scholarships 2019, Scholarship opportunities, KNB Scholarships, , , , , , ,