Excellent Jobs Opportunities in FDA 2018
Multiple Applicants are invited from highly motivated candidates having domicile of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and newly merged Districts of KP against various vacancies in FATA Development Authority.

Details of posts are given below.

  1. Monitoring Officer
  2. Assistant Manager (Planning)
  3. Assistant Manager (P&I) Admin
  4. Assistant Manager (Accounts) & Pre-Audit Work
  5. Assistant Manager (Exploration & Dev)
  6. Assistant Manager (Small Dams)
  7. PRO Cum-Protocol Officer
  8. Sub Engineer
  9. Private Secretary
  10. Office Assistant
  11. Accounts Assistant
  12. Draftsman
  13. CCTV Opertor
  14. Electrician
  15. Receptionist
  16. Store Keeper
  17. Telephone Operator
  18. Plumber
  19. Naib Qasid
  20. Mali
  21. Sanitary Worker
  22. Security Guard

Eligibility Criteria

  1.     On the basis og Govt Policy Age relaxation shall be considered.
  2.     Shortlisted Applicants will be invited for test/interview.
  3.     No TA/DA will be allowed for test/interview.
  4.     Application along with attested copies of educational qualification, DMCs/experience  certificate, computerized NIC, Domicile Certificate and recent photograph must reach at
  5.     Secretary FATA Development Authority, 46-A, Sector B-2, Phase-V near RMI Hayatabad, Peshawar, on or before 28th September 2018.
  6.     Incomplete application or received after due date will not be entertained.
  7.     Govt. employees should apply through proper channel.
  8.     The Competent Authority reserves the right to change any condition, increase/decrease
  9.     vacancies or cancel recruitment without assigning any reason.
😇 So You Will Never Miss Any Opportunity for your excellency. Then hurry up to join, follow and like us on different Social Networks. 😇

Application Form can be downloaded from the links below.

Please Check the Advertisement, Application Form & the list of posts given below.

  2. Job Opportunities FDA Advertisement Download Here
  3. Advertisement (P&D)Download Here


The last date for receiving of applications is 28th September 2018.
FATA Development Authority
46-A, Sector B-2, Phase-V near RMI Hayatabad,

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