UEA Vice-Chancellor scholarships are availble at University of East Anglia. UEA offering scholarships for international students starting their courses on International Foundation pathways in September 2018.
This scholarship offers a wide range of generous scholarships for international students. All students who have applied for places on relevant courses are welcome to apply, no matter what your background or financial circumstance.
Scholarship Description:
University of East Anglia and INTO provides a wide range of scholarships for international students. Multiple programs are availble under International Foundation pathways at University of East Anglia.The University is home to everything you need to have a great living and studying experience during study period.
University of East Anglia:
UEA is a pioneering British research university, leading the way in fields as diverse as climate change, international development, food science and much more. The University is ranked in the top 1% in the world for research excellence (CWTS Leiden Ranking 2016) and 10th in the UK for quality of research (Research Excellence Framework 2014).
Host University: University of East Anglia
Host Country: United Kingdom
Criteria and Eligibility:
- Students who have been offered a place on any of the INTO UEA International Foundation pathways may apply.
- International Foundation students must be nominated by their Programme Manager to be considered for the scholarship.
- All scholarships are awarded on merit base.
Courses Availble: All International Foundation pathways
Eligible Countries: World Wide
Scholarship Award:
- Scholarships worth either 25% or 50% of tuition fees for each year of the UEA degree for students who progress to UEA with an unconditional offer.
- International Foundation students must be nominated by their Programme Manager to be considered for the scholarship.
- Scholarships are awarded in the form of a tuition fee discount, once you successfully progress from your INTO UEA programme.
Application Procedure to apply:
- Students must submit a completed scholarship application form with a 200 word personal statement to the following email address at [email protected] before the deadlines.
- Your application will be assessed both academic qualifications and proof of English language levels during study program.
- All applications will be reviewed by a scholarship panel at university carefully.
- If you are successful, you will be notified at the contact email specified in your scholarship application form at the end of the result declaration.
Application Deadline:
30 May 2018 - for decision by 04 June 2018
15 June 2018 - for decision by 18 June 2018
09 July 2018 - for decision by 13 July 2018
,UEA Vice-Chancellor Scholarships 2018, New Scholarships 2018, UK Scholarships 2018, Master Scholarships 2018, , , ,