Confucius Institute Scholarship 2018-2019 Chongqing University

Multiple Scholarships are availble under Confucius Institute Scholarship 2018 Program for different countries at Chongqing University for the academic year 2018-2019 under Chinese Government Scholarships Programs.

For the purpose of cultivating qualified Chinese language teachers and facilitating the promotion of Chinese language and culture, the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) launches “Confucius Institute Scholarship” (CIS) to support outstanding international students, scholars and currently employed Chinese language teachers recommended by Confucius Institutes, independently operated Confucius Classrooms as well as some HSK test centers (hereinafter to be collectively referred to as “recommending institutions”) to study at Chongqing University.

Scholarship Description:

The fully and partial funded scholarships are availble for multilple programs under new Confucius Institute Scholarship Program under Chinese Government Program is now available for the outstanding international students from different countries of world. This program offering different programs at Chongqing University for the academic year 2018-2019.

Scholarship at Chongqing University (CQU):

Chongqing University (CQU) is a key national university and a member of the “Excellence League”, located in Chongqing, Southwest China. It is also one of the “211 Project" and "985 Project” universities with full support in construction and development from the central government and Chongqing Municipal Government.
Founded in 1929, Chongqing University now consists of six faculties in Science, Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Built Environment, Information Science and Technology. The University has 35 schools, and offers 96 undergraduate programs, 236 postgraduate programs, 121 doctoral programs, 19 professional degrees, and 29 mobile workstations for postdoctoral study.

Multiple Scholarship Award:

Student Should meet following conditions for apply:

  1. Non-Chinese citizens
  2. In good physical and mental condition, well performed both academically and behaviorally
  3. Aspired to take future careers on the teaching or international promotion of Chinese language.
  4. Between the ages of 16-35 on September 1st, 2018. Applicants currently worked as Chinese language teachers shall not exceed the age limit of 45, while undergraduate students shall not exceed the age limit of 25.


1. Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)

Commences September 2018 and provides scholarship for maximum two academic years.  Applicants shall be Bachelor degree holders, and have a minimum score of 210 in HSK Test (Level 5) as well as 60 in HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Applicants who are able to provide notarized document of the employment agreement or related proofs upon completing study in China are preferred.

2. Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL)

Commences September 2018 and provides scholarship for maximum four academic years. Applicants must have graduated with a high school diploma, , and have a minimum score of 210 in HSK Test (Level 4) as well as 60 in HSKK test (Intermediate Level)

3. Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study

Commences September 2018, and provides scholarship for maximum 11 months. International students currently studying in China are not eligible.

Field of study:

  1. Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL) Applicants shall have a minimum score of 270 in HSK test (Level 3), while HSKK test score required.
  2. Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History, and Chinese Philosophy Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 in HSK test (Level 4) and 60 in HSKK test (intermediate level).
  3. Chinese Language Study
  4. Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 in HSK test (Level 3    level).

4. Scholarship for One-Semester Study

Commences either in September 2018 or March 2019, and provides scholarship of maximum 5 months. Applicants withholding visas X1 or X2 are not eligible.

Field of study: Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL), Chinese Language and Literature, Chinese History and Chinese Philosophy.

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 in HSK test (Level 3), while HSKK test score required

5. Scholarship for Four-Week Study Program for Confucius Institute

Commences either on December of 2018, and provides a four-week scholarship. Applicants withholding visas X1 or X2 are not eligible. HSK test score are required. Organized and applied by a Confucius Institute with 10-15 participants per group.

Application Documents Required for apply:  

The applicants are required to provide the following application documents are required and post the documents to the Admissions Office of School of International Education, Chongqing University before the application deadline.

1. For application, please log on to the Confucius Institute Scholarships website ( to choose recommending institution, and select Chongqing University as host institution. Please register, complete the Confucius Institute Scholarships Application Form online, and upload the scanned copies of relevant supporting documents.

2. The recommending institutions are engaged in the applicant selection, materials review, and collecting and handing over applicants’ documents to Chongqing University.

3. Chongqing University will then review the eligibility of applicants, and submit the admission list to Hanban.

4. Hanban will conduct an overall assessment of all applications and admit applicants on the basis of competitive selection. The results will be notified two months before enrollment of the admitted students

5. Scholarship holders need to confirm with Chongqing University to go through the procedures of studying in China, print out CIS certificate online, and register at Chongqing University at the designated date and time as per the letter of admission.

Application Deadline:

June 20th, 2018 (for those commencing in September 2018)

December 20th, 2018 (for those commencing in March 2019)

,Confucius Institute Scholarship 2018, Confucius Institute Scholarship 2018, China Scholarships 2018, Chinese Language Scholarships, , , ,